Everybody can make and be the difference. Within the CEMS alliance each of us plays a part and shares a global purpose. How can we have an impact? And how has the CEMS journey had an impact on us? CEMS is a purpose led organization and this theme is dedicated to highlighting the collective impact all our stakeholders have had in their own way, be it professional or personal in synergy with the impact CEMS Alliance as a whole had on the people. Discover the impact we can have together as individuals and as a global alliance now and in the future.
In 2022, CEMS partnered with Estoril Conferences to encourage young leaders to rebalance our world through deep and inclusive dialogue paired with action. The Conferences brought impactful leaders across multiple countries, generations, and backgrounds, who are in the frontline of change, together, to engage with the younger generations - the future leaders - in the discussion of the major global challenges humanity is currently facing. This sense of purpose to transform our world and common future for better, is what connected all the speakers, students and purposeful-driven partners engaged, who were also part of this new chapter we launched, in what we call The Purpose Generation

Over 100+ global thinkers came together for The Estoril Conference with the intention to transform knowledge into action. The theme for the event was "Rebalancing our world: A call to The Purpose Generation".
There were also a number of CEMS governance meetings including the Student Board and the Strategic Board.
“We are looking forward to extending our network through a collaboration with Estoril Conferences to promote an open and impactful dialogue on global challenges and to engage with the changemakers of tomorrow”
Greg Whitwell, Former CEMS Chair and Former Dean of the University of Sydney Business School.

Training Sessions

Universidad de los Andes School of Management organized a week- long training session covering the Estoril Conferences' program.
Spreading the message

SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Rotterdam School of Management and Stockholm School of Economics - collaborated to reverberate the message and expand engagement within their local and global communities
Panel Sessions

London School of Economics, Ivey Business School and Aalto University dedicated a day and panel sessions on “Purpose & Economy” and “Climate & Action”.
CEMS ESTORIL Video Challenge
How has CEMS impacted the Community stakeholders to make a difference? Check out some of the stories from our academic members and alumni.
"When I, as rector of NHH, first became a member of the CEMS’ Strategic Board in 2005, I realised what a profound impact CEMS has on everyone engaged in the alliance. First and foremost, on CEMS students and alumni, as the CEMS experience sets the direction of their professional (and perhaps also personal) life, and contributes strongly to their purpose-driven careers. However, the impact is equally important for the CEMS schools. Ever since NHH became a CEMS member more than 30 years ago, CEMS has had a strong impact on the strategy and development of the school. And, hopefully, also on the impact NHH has on its own stakeholders.
For me personally, it has been a privilege to be allowed to follow the development of CEMS so closely, first during my eight years on the Strategic Board, and now during my (soon) eight years as member of the Academic Committee. Over these years, CEMS has shown a remarkable ability to change and adapt to evolving conditions, thus retaining and developing its strong position and Impact. "

Erna is helping an organisation that is doing important social work to renew itself, grow and survive disruptive crises. She is the CEO of the Bátor Tábor Foundation and a woman driven by curiosity, passion for social good and love for community, learning and friendship. She tells us to follow your curiosity, passion and quest for learning. Erna is also part of our Global Alumni Week Speakers.
See below for further information about our Alumni - click on their name. Discover the events that took place for the Global Alumni Week 2023.
Click on each CEMS Alumni Name to discover more about how CEMS had an impact on their lives
All CEMS stakeholders feel their purpose is in providing value. And one CEMS group in particular has shown leadership and initiative to make a real impact. Mindset New Generation consulting provides consulting services to social enterprises, start-ups and NGOs to solve their challenges and achieve their goals. Led by CEMS Students, New Generation Consulting aims to actively have an impact on projects such as animal free dairy, restoring oceans and much more.
Global Alumni Week
Global Alumni Week was held at the end of March in 2023. This year over 1000 community members attended from all over the world to in person events as well as online webinars.
The theme this year was to look at Impact and Purpose - what they mean, how to have an impact and find your purpose.
Find out more below and let us know if you are impact or purpose driven.

Intertwining Impact & Purpose: Changing the way we think and act
Careers of today are often intertwined with impact, but where does purpose play a role? With our CEMS Alumni of the Year 2022 awardees we found how impact gave them a clear plan for translating purpose into action within their careers.
Challenging ourselves and asking ourselves the hard questions is how we can progress. We can always change and have impact in the fields we are invovled in large or small. Our audience found the hour long talk inspiring and really engaging.
Watch the video below to catch up with the webinar.

Finding Your Purpose through Mental Wellness
Why is mental health/ mindfulness indispensable today? How can work be a force of good in the world and for ourselves? And also our leaders? Listening to both speakers the prevailing message is to realise how we can upgrade ourselves and how mindfulness can give us more purpose and focus on ourselves as a goal.
Why do we search for validation, how can we overcome uncertainty, the importance of a sense of belonging and many more themes were touched upon during this webinar.
Watch the video below to catch up with the webinar.

Local In person meet ups
A number of alumni groups gathered at the end of March for in person events. These places included; Paris, Oslo, London, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Istanbul, Santiago, Cologne, Sydney, New York, Toronto and Dusseldorf. There were 23 events held in total and new to organsing events included Australia, China, India, Poland, Canada and USA.
The events were a mix of social and professional including discussions, brunches, sporting activities, workshops and networking.
Intertwining Impact & Purpose
Finding your Purpose through Mental Wellness

Feedback from the 2023 Global Alumni Week events
“I will take some time to reflect what I really want in life now, they were super interesting”
"I am starting my career in consulting during the next few weeks, now I am more than convinced that Mindfulness practice is going to be crucial for my mental and physical health."
“I feel like now I need to change something about my life”
"I believe such events would help to keep many people much saner and reconsider their life paths."
One Year On
The Dublin CEMS club recently hosted an insightful panel discussion on the war in Ukraine one year on. Facilitated by Dr Andrew Keating, Academic Director, UCD CEMS MIM the panelists included 2022 CEMS Junior Alumni of the year, Kate Zhuzha, founder of the NGO Union of Help to Kherson and Dasha Chushko. Attended by current UCD CEMS students and students from the school the panel gave a very honest and moving overview of life in Ukraine at the moment and what steps we can all take to support NGO initiatives such as Union of Help to Kherson.
Pictured at the talk are CEMS Club Dublin event organisers, Jordi Strassen and Fabian Villing, with Dasha Chushko, Kate Zhuzha and Dr Andrew Keating.
To find out more about Kate and the Union of Help to Kherson including how to donate to this cause please click here.

CEMS Ride for Ukraine
In October 2022 the CEMS Club London hosted “Ride for Ukraine” – a dual-purpose social impact event inviting CEMSies to a cycling session while raising funds for the organization Children Heroes of Ukraine. Highlighting the topic of mental health and supporting children in a warzone signals CEMS responsibility as global citizens. During this day, also other members of the Soul Cycle community were able to donate to Children Heroes as there were QR codes set up in the studio for more people to donate. This spread awareness and enabled a combination of two social purposes. One personal and close and one social impact further away yet still as important. Arranging and realizing “Ride for Ukraine” is truly CEMSational in that it takes a holistic focus on social impact issues and the responsibility for ourselves and each other spans across borders.
Proud to be a CEMS global citizen and participating in this fundraiser cycling session!

38 runners took part in the CEMS RUN FOR PEACE - this CEMS Club Barcelona initiative took place in 2022. The donations went to the crisis response in Ukraine fund of CARE International, an NGO and a Social Partner of CEMS.
With its crisis response in Ukraine, CARE is trying to reach 4 million people with aid and recovery, food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support, and cash assistance.
CEMS Club Vienna and Warsaw also took part raising funds for the events in Ukraine.