This is the month we celebrate the CEMS spirit, praising all our past achievements,
energising our present initiatives, and directing future hopes!
Congratulations to the CEMS alliance on reaching this 35th year milestone, and here's to many more years of fostering international collaboration and excellence in education!
“35 years after its foundation, it’s almost incredible to see how CEMS has grown - adding members, students, cultures and perspectives. More and more people are contributing to this dream, this goal of bringing together diverse views, emotions and cultures and channelling them into generating positive change and creating unity. In today’s world, the values that led to the creation of CEMS are more important than ever. We are surrounded by divisive headlines, heartbreaking world events and complex socioeconomic contexts. Within this noise, CEMS’ reach, reputation, cultural variety and educational prowess can act as a barometer. We are building authentic and kind leaders who have the courage to leverage knowledge from phenomenal sources to find realistic solutions to the world’s most difficult problems, and to create a world which is focused on common understanding and moving forward as one. I am delighted by how CEMS has evolved in the last 35 years, here’s to 35 more!”
Lluis Pugès, CEMS Founder, first CEMS Chair, CEMS Honorary Chair
Claudia Cevenini, member of the CEMS founding team, CEMS project leader at ESADE
Pictured are Laura (Lluis and Claudia's daughter) and Jean-Paul Larçon, CEMS Founder at the 2023 CEMS Annual Meeting in London.

With over 2500 participants, the CEMS Alliance celebrated the 2023 Annual Events at the London School of Economics (LSE). - This also provided the community with an opportunity to celebrate and congratulate CEMS together for its 35th Anniversary! - Our heartfelt gratitude to LSE, staff, and volunteers for amazing Annual Events & MIM Graduation Ceremony 2023 — a perfect way to honour CEMS and 35 years of excellence!
Watch the highlights of the CEMS MIM Graduation Ceremony
We are also grateful to our main Corporate Partner, Sanofi for sponsoring the events.
"The world needs you now more than you know. Experiences are what counts. Being the best version of yourself counts. So, shred the playbook and go change the world for the better."
Paul Hudson, CEO, Sanofi

UPHOLDING OUR VALUES CEMS Global Alliance Renews CEMS Values Statement, Shared Principles and Future Vision in Management Education

The CEMS community is committed to the idea that the leaders who will be best prepared for the future will be free and unafraid in an uncertain world. Will be humane citizens who can engage fully and think independently, and will contribute to a more open, sustainable, and inclusive world.

CELEBRATING OUR MEMBERS Since its foundation, CEMS has been shaped by passionate and dedicated contributors to the alliance. As a recognition, Honorary Membership is conferred upon individuals who render or have rendered outstanding services to the alliance. Meet the passionate individuals who have contributed so much to the CEMS Global Alliance.

Latest CEMS Additions
In December 2023, Audrey Clegg (CEMS Corporate Partner Chair) and Greg Whitwell (former CEMS Chair) joined our estimed list of CEMS Honorary Members.
“Congratulations to Audrey and Greg on this remarkable achievement! They now belong to a truly special group of individuals. The time and work they have contributed to the CEMS alliance has been exemplary. Their guidance and involvement have shaped CEMS to be a stronger alliance.”

CELEBRATING the CLASS OF 2023 1258 graduates 869 CEMSies gathered in London

The Power of CEMS CEMS is more than a degree Programme
At the Annual Events, Leonardo Lotto took the stage and delivered a powerful speech full of gratitude to the CEMS Community. Leo graduated as part of the class of 2023 and his wise words are a reminder to us all about how we can all have an impact and purpose in this world, working together to achieve great things.
Leo received a 3000 crowd strong applause and remains an inspiration to many of his friends and the CEMS Community globally.

"The Power of CEMS....is that although CEMS students come from different corners and institutions around the world, they all share the same ethos and values of becoming responsible global managers."
CELEBRATING OUR COMMUNITY Every year we celebrate our schools, students, alumni. This year 12 awards were celebrated in London at the Annual Events. Congratulations to everyone involved.

CEMS MIM Outstanding Contribution Award
"I was proud and honoured to receive the CEMS MIM Outstanding Contribution Award, during the CEMS Graduation Ceremony, together with my friend and colleague Stefano Caselli, from Bocconi University. This recognition comes after many years serving CEMS in different committees and boards (Marketing Faculty Group, Academic Committee, Programme Sub-Committee, Management Committee, and Executive Board, later renamed Executive Council) and teaching in the different parts of the CEMS MIM programme (Blocked Seminars, CEMS Core Courses, Business Projects, CEMS Electives). But what those years have provided me is with an incredible network of literally hundreds and hundreds of colleagues, some of whom are indeed friends, at the other 32 CEMS partner schools, 76 corporate partners and 8 social partners, and the opportunity to have connected with thousands and thousands of students, today part of the 21,000 CEMS Alumni, who are the driving force of this great alliance."
Josep Franch, Dean, Esade Executive Education
"I spent 18 years in the CEMS alliance and it has always been an exciting journey, together with bright colleagues, students, alumni and corporate partners.
What I loved the most is the unique pioneering spirit of CEMS, aiming at discovering new avenues of cooperation and fostering continuous innovation. CEMS matters today more than ever"
Stefano Caselli, Dean of SDA Bocconi School of Management

CEMS School of the Year 2023
Congratulations to SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Represented by Piotr Wachowiak (Rector, Strategic Board Member) Jacek Prokop (Executive Councillor), Miroslaw Jarosinski (Academic Director), Aneta Szydlowska & Greg Augustyniak (Programme & Corporate Relations Managers)

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) in Chile celebrates a decade of being part of the CEMS alliance. They hosted the recent LATAM forum.

Thank you to ABB for sponsoring the Alumni Brunch at the London Annual Events

" We believe that cultural heritage is not merely a reflection of our past, but a key investment in our CEMS students future"

CEMS community members are proud to be celebrating the alliance and the 35th year milestone!